shipping to uk

You can anticipate some culture shock whenever you relocate to a new nation. Moving internationally from Dubai to the UK is no exception. When you go to the UK and live there as an expat, a lot will change for you. Before coming to London from Dubai, there are a few fundamental things you should be aware of in order to better comprehend the city you’ll be living in.      

Try to hire movers for your move to the UK to make the transition smoother for you and your family. This will free up a lot of your time so that you may concentrate on other crucial tasks and make your relocation less stressful. 

Start House Hunting Before Moving to London from Dubai 

You must find housing before you relocate from Dubai to the UK. It is incredibly difficult to find accommodation after you move, so it is better to start looking early and have a game plan in place. Set a property budget and start looking in your price range. Try to travel to the UK if you can before make the major decision. If not, ask a friend who lives there already.  

Don’t Take Everything 

There may be a temptation to move all you possess with you. This is a poor plan of action. You should truly purge and reduce the number of items you own before moving. Sort your belongings into those you’ll keep and those you’ll donate. Find the best international movers after you know exactly what you’ll be taking with you. Select the route you want to take and any additional services you might require. 

Check Animal Laws 

Get ready for a little hardship if you’re considering moving from Dubai to England with dogs. When it comes to bringing in animals from abroad, they have some extremely severe and strict rules. All of your animals must be up to date on their vaccinations and have documents from licensed veterinarians verifying their current health. To be confident that your pets will be permitted in the UK, familiarise yourself with and confirm all of the rules that pertain to them. 


You won’t be surprised to learn that if you want to meet people and form friendships in the UK, you can’t be shy. Fast-moving young professionals can be found in large cities all around the UK, but they won’t be knocking on your door to say hello. Ask co-workers to hang out if you want to make new friends or join a gym to meet people. Get out there, have fun, and be friendly—that’s all that’s required. 

Check Business Hours 

Most of the time, stores are open in Dubai, day or night. The city that never sleeps, in fact, is this one. On the other side, Dubai’s nightlife energy is not at all prevalent in the UK. Additionally, a lot of establishments have shortened hours on Sundays or close completely. Dealing with this could be challenging, especially if you hold a 9 to 5 job. Make sure to plan your time considering this new knowledge. 

Check Bank Account Rules 

The UK has stringent regulations regarding residents opening bank accounts there, just like the UAE. You cannot open a British bank account before you travel to the UK, so make your plans appropriately. As soon as you create a new bank account in the UK, make sure to keep your Dubai account active. Opening a bank account in Dubai with branches in the UK is a significant step you may take to make this process easier for you. Your problems with money will get simpler as a result. 

Save Up Money 

The UK is a very costly place to live, much like Dubai. When saving, it’s important to consider factors like rent, utilities, hefty taxes, and a host of other expenses. You should always have emergency money on hand while moving in case any unanticipated bills or emergencies arise. To know more about money saving for moving click here.

Pack for Cold Weather 

The UK is quite chilly and wet. Rain will be present for most of the year. There will be a lot of snow in the winter, which is something you seldom see in Dubai. This might come as a bit of a shock to you at first and make you feel uneasy. Don’t allow the British weather to depress your spirits by being prepared for it. Therefore, make sure you bring the suitable clothing and try to appreciate the change. 


People in the UK drive on the left side of the road, as you have likely already heard. This transition is not a joke! Driving in the UK is challenging and perplexing. Prior to being able to drive in the UK, you will need to take a few driving lessons. Learn about the public transport options available in your city or save up for an Uber if you don’t think you can handle the driving transition. Due to taxes, high fuel costs, and insurance premiums, cars in the UK are also far more expensive to purchase and maintain than they are in Dubai. 

Here we provide more information about moving from UAE to Canada.


Consider hiring international movers for your move to the UK to make the relocation process less demanding and much more comfortable. These businesses will assist you in locating all the services you require to quickly feel at home in the UK. 

Visit Elite Shipping right now if you’re relocating from Dubai to London and indicate your moving dates as well as the services you need to get the top moving firms in Dubai. 


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